Affordable Housing and Tenants’ Rights
An overview of resources for renters and those looking for affordable housing
Casino License Awarding Process
In 2013, the New York State Constitution was amended to authorize up to seven commercial casinos in the state. Subsequently, the State sited four commercial casinos in upstate New York. In 2022, the enacted New York State budget established a new siting process and criteria for the remaining three licenses. The New York State Gaming […]

Coastal Resiliency
A history and overview of the project to create a flood protection system for Manhattan’s east side

East Midtown Greenway
A history and overview of the project to build a greenway from 53rd to 61st Streets along the East River

Homeless Assistance
Information on how to help New Yorkers experiencing homelessness

Liquor Licenses
Information on bars, restaurants, and other establishments with a liquor license

Monthly Reports from Our Elected Officials
This page has archived reports from our elected officials that they submit ahead of our monthly Full Board meetings.

Information on licensed newsstands in our district

Resources for CB6 Members
Information for CB6 Members including the CB6 Bylaws and style guides