
Full Board Meeting

The Full Board of Manhattan Community Board Six meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7 PM. Please check the CB6 Calendar for the location and tentative agenda.

Speaking at a Full Board meeting:
Members of the public are welcome to speak about community issues during the public session of Full Board meetings.

Those wishing to speak must complete this form before 7:15 PM on the night of the meeting or fill out a slip at the Full Board meeting location by 7:15 PM.

Each speaker will have three minutes to speak on any topic. You are strongly encouraged to type out your remarks and time yourself reading them aloud in advance of the meeting to ensure that you can deliver them within the allotted three minutes. Organizations with multiple members in attendance are asked to select one representative to present their comments once. Speakers are not permitted to use this time for commercial solicitation or electioneering. 

Reports from Our Elected Officials for Full Board Meetings

Each month ahead of the meeting, our elected officials will submit brief reports to CB6 and we will post them here.

Full Board Reports

Minutes from CB6 Full Board meetings can be found by clicking the button below.

Resolutions passed by the CB6 Full Board can be found by clicking the button below.

Board Chair
Sandra McKee
District Manager
Jesús Pérez
Board Meetings
Next Meeting: November 13, 2024