
Strategic Community Planning

The Strategic Community Planning Committee no longer meets. Its work hasĀ beenĀ absorbed by the Land Use & Waterfront Committee. Please checkĀ the calendar pageĀ each month for the location of public meetings and tentative agendas.Ā Ā 

This page will remain on our website as an archive until December 2022.Ā 

The Strategic Community Planning committee works on longer-term community projects including the implementation of the goals laid out in CB6’s 197-a plan.

Under Section 197-a of the New York City Charter, community boards may propose plans for the development, growth, and improvement of land within their districts. The plans are reviewed in accordance with standards and rules of procedure for 197-a plans which were developed and adopted by the City Planning Commission. Once approved by the Commission and adopted by the City Council, as submitted or modified, 197-a plans serve as policy guides for subsequent actions by city agencies.

197-a Plan for the Eastern Section of Community District 6 (2008)

In January 2008, the City Planning Commission approved with modifications the 197-a plan submitted by Manhattan Community Board 6. In March 2008 the City Council adopted the plan as modified by the City Planning Commission. Click here to view the adopted plan. Click here to view the plan as submitted as by CB6. Click here to view a report summarizing the City Councilā€™s modifications to the Plan. Click here to view a presentation made by CB6 to the City Planning Commission  in December 2007.

197-a Plan for Stuyvesant Cove

In May of 1995, CB6 submitted a 197-a plan regarding  Stuyvesant Cove. This plan was modified and adopted by the City Planning commission and City Council in 1997. Click here to view that plan.

Once a 197-a plan is adopted, community boards work with city agencies to ensure that 197-a plan goals are met. If rezonings are recommended in the plan, the sponsor may encourage the Department of City Planning to initiate a zoning map change application (under Section 197-c of the City Charter). CB6 drafted a zoning proposal for the Consolidated Edison properties on First Avenue between 35th and 41st StreetsClick here to view that proposal.

The Department of City Planning created a technical guide in 2002 to help community boards to help them meet the “threshold standards for form and
content” in a 197-a plan. You can find that guide here.

Committee Members

Minutes and presentations from this committee and all CB6 meetings can be found by clicking the button below.

Resolutions that emerged from this and all other CB6 committees can be found by clicking the button below.

Committee Chair
Committee Meetings
Next Meeting: March 28, 2025