
Parks, Landmarks & Cultural Affairs

The Parks, Landmarks & Cultural Affairs Committee meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Please check the calendar page each month for the location of the meeting and tentative agenda

The Parks, Landmarks & Cultural Affairs Committee is the advocate for our community’s preservation of parks, playgrounds, and other open spaces in Manhattan Community District 6.

The Committee works with the Department of Parks & Recreation to:

  • Support opportunities for new open spaces and recreational facilities
  • Monitor and make recommendations regarding the expenditure of park and open space dollars
  • Monitor proposed uses and permits within our parks

Additionally, the Committee works with the Landmarks Preservation Commission to preserve our existing historic districts, makes recommendations on any proposed changes to landmark buildings, and makes recommendations on buildings and neighborhoods to be designated as City landmarks. Lastly, the Committee assesses applications for cultural funding, and serves as the district’s liaison to the public library system and the Department of Cultural Affairs.

Committee Members

Neil Barclay, Chair
Sarah Whittington, Vice Chair
Martin Barrett
Robert Farfan
Gloria Hage
Rabia Iqbal
Paige Judge
Anton Mallner
Reshma Patel
Mubeen Siddiqui
Letty Simon
Mark Thompson

Minutes and presentations from this committee and all CB6 meetings can be found by clicking the button below.

Resolutions that emerged from this and all other CB6 committees can be found by clicking the button below.

Budget Requests that emerged from this and all other CB6 committees can be found by clicking the button below.

Redesign of Augustus St. Gaudens Playground

At the December 5, 2023 meeting, the committee heard a presentation from the Department of Parks & Recreation about their proposed redesign of the Augustus St. Gaudens Playground.

View their presentation

Watch the meeting on YouTube

Read the resolution

Redesign of St. Vartan Park Playground

At the November 4, 2020 meeting, the committee heard a final presentation from the Department of Parks & Recreation about their proposed redesign of the St. Vartan Park Playground.

View their presentation

Watch the meeting on YouTube

Committee Chair
Neil Barclay
Committee Meetings
Next Meeting: April 1, 2025
Staff Liaison
Brian Lafferty