
About CB6

Manhattan Community Board Six (CB6) represents the geographic area known as Manhattan Community District 6 (CD6). Under the City Charter, each of New York City’s 59 Community Districts is represented by a Community Board.

The members of CB6 comprise a volunteer board consisting of 50 appointed members who live or work in CD6. Under the City Charter, each Community Board should have up to 50 voting members appointed by the Borough President. Community Board members elect a chair and various other officers to lead the Community Board in its work.

Under the City Charter, CB6 is tasked with the important duties of reviewing and making recommendations on an array of matters, such as land use and zoning, sidewalk cafes, liquor licenses, street activity permits, and newsstands, as well as advising the Mayor and Council Members on the City’s budget.

As CB6 must address a multitude of disparate issues, its work is delegated to its various committees, which each address specific topics of community concern. The work of the committees is taken up at a monthly meeting of the Full Board, where the entire board votes on the committees’ recommendations.

The CB6 District Office, headed by the District Manager, is a small team of 3 civil servants that assists the 50-member board in its duties and acts as the community’s and CB6’s liaison to New York City government.

Board Chair
Sandra McKee
District Manager
Jesús Pérez
Next Full Board Meeting
April 9, 2025